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  2. Business Set Up

I’m filing for my EIN number and it’s asking if I have a “Doing business as” aka DBA or trade name. So would that be my store name that I want to use on Amazon or my brand name of the products I plan?

Doing Business As or DBA

You will have 3 names in your business. 

- your corporation's/LLC's name
- your amazon store name
- your brand name

All 3 can be the same, or they can all be different! 

For example... 

Business Name - Lululemon inc. 
Amazon store - Lululemon
Brand - Lululemon


Business Name  - 2134183 LLC
Amazon Store - Walmart
Brand - Ritz crackers 

In this case, Lululemon is a branded store. 
Walmart is more of a general store. 

When applying for your LLC or corporation however, you probably don't know this. So, keep it the same name as what you are applying for!