Do you have any recommendations for successful communication strategies with suppliers?

Generally, you will want to work with suppliers who have good lead time, good response time and good pricing. It is also best to work with those who have good understanding of what you are looking for.

Here are some strategies that we recommend:

1. Keep all communication on Alibaba: This helps to keep all conversations in one place and prevents you from being overwhelmed with emails from different sources.

2. Be clear and concise: When you send over your worksheet with all the things you want answers to and a description of your product, make sure it's clear and easy to understand. This will help suppliers respond more efficiently.

3. Look for responsiveness: If a supplier only answers one of your questions or takes a long time to respond, this could be a red flag. You want someone who will respond quickly and address all your concerns.

4. Be patient: Remember that suppliers are often in a different time zone, so real-time communication may not always be possible. Be prepared to wait until the next day for responses.

5. Avoid suppliers who make excuses: If a supplier starts making excuses early on, this could be a sign of potential issues down the line.

6. Negotiate: Don't be afraid to negotiate prices with suppliers. However, remember that the goal is to establish a long-term business partnership, so it's important to create win-win situations.